Thursday, April 29, 2010

How To Check A Power Supply

Your computer’s power supply is the single most important component in the case. But it’s also the most boring, so when it comes time to skimp on costs, the power supply is often a generic or budget brand. Sometimes this is okay. But often the power supply acts erratic, causes restarts and errors because other components are not getting the consistent voltage they require. If you are experiencing problems you cannot quickly isolate, be sure to test the power supply and rule it out before spending too much money.
Tips on Troubleshooting a Power Supply

Most families have a other computers of similar size. Before you spend money on a tester or a new power supply, you might try just swapping in a power supply you know works. That is the low-tech solution, but it often takes a lot of extra effor that people aren’t willing to expend.

Buy a Power Supply Tester
You can buy a power supply tester for relatively cheap. While a multimeter is a better overall solution because you can use it for other things, a power supply tester is a fast and easy way to tell if the PSU is good.

Check For Proper Voltage
Check the voltage setting on the back of the power supply. While this is not likely the problem, just confirm it is set correctly for your region. If the computer was recently moved, it’s possible the switch was moved. 115v is typical for the United States.

Make Sure Power Supply Fan is Working
If you have an older PC, you should make sure the fan on the power supply is working. If it’s not, you need to replace the power supply immediately. You can sometimes blow them out with compressed air, but if it is not spinning at all, the power supply must be replaced.

Is the Power Supply Powerful Enough?
Lastly, you should make sure your power supply is rated high enough for your needs. If you built the system a few years ago, you have probably added extra hard drives, a more powerful graphics card and maybe some new RAM. Make sure your power supply has enough voltage to handle it all.

Recover Lost Clusters on Hard Drive

Frequently running Scandisk or chkdsk can help save your data. Hard drives can develop bad clusters over time, and those utilities can help retrieve corrupt data, and also prevent data from ever being written to those bad sectors again. Running these disk management tools will help reduce crashes and further loss of data. They may also help make you aware of impending hard drive failure.
Lost clusters in a lost chain

A typical error, such as “lost cluster in a lost chain” indicates that data is present but there are no pointers pointing to that data. You can run chkdsk to attempt to recover the files, or you can simply repair the errors by selecting N when prompted for action. This will correct the errors but not save the data. Or you can press Y, which will attempt the associate a folder to that data. If a folder cannot be found, it will save the data in a folder labeled .xxx. The “xxx” is a sequential number, so the folder will probably be named .000 if the folder does not exist.

This utility exists in Windows 9.x systems, such as Windows 98 and ME. To access this utility, navigate to START>PROGRAMS>ACCESSORIES>SYSTEM TOOLS, then scandisk. You will be given the option to do a Thorough Scan, which is recommended as it physically scans the surface of the drive for errors. You can also specify if you want the errors corrected automatically, which is normally fine unless you want to attempt to recover the data.

Chkdsk is available in Windows 2000 and Windows XP. To run a chkdsk, go to My Computer and right-click the drive you want to scan, then select Properties. Under the Tools tab, you will see a section for Error Checking. Click Check Now. Again, you will be given options Automatically fix the errors, or to attempt to recover the data. You may be prompted to reboot so this utility can run before Windows loads. This is normal.

Monday, April 26, 2010

3 steps to speed up your computer

Don't turn in that old PC of yours for a newer model, or spend unwanted cash on a ram upgrade. First try these simple steps to make your machine run much faster again, you will need a pc, microsoft's xp or vista operating system.

Step 1. Free up some space with your hard drive in order for your pc to run a little bit faster. To do this, go to your start menu and find the system tools group under the accessories heading, click on disk cleanup, check the files that you are sure you could delete and uncheck those you are not so sure of. Also you don't need your recycle bin or your temporary internet files just check the boxes besides these 2 options to delete these files, click on the ok tab to finish this operation. By doing this, you are freeing up some space with your hard drive and the effect of this is that your pc will run a little bit faster compare to it's previous state, you can do this also to your other partitions.

Step 2. Defrag it. Defragment your hard drive in order to increase speed access and retrieval. To do this return to system tools and run your disk defragmenter or click disk defragmenter. Overtime the information on your computer becomes scattered, the defragger will organize the informations on your pc and your computer will spend less time searching on those informations, therefore increasing the speed access of your hard drive. Click on analyze so you could see how long the process will take, then click on defragment when you know you can leave your pc alone for a while it could take a few minutes or several hours for the defragment process to be finished After you have done this, the informations which are stored in your hardisk drive that were scattered previously, will be arranged and your operating system will no longer have a hard time looking for those files because it is already arranged in order. And the result of this operation is that the files on your hard drive will be easily accessed by the operating system when your computer is running, therefore making your hardisk run smoothly. Now your computer will run faster like never before because your operating system and your hard drive will communicate to each other accordingly.

Step 3. Beware of spies, your internet connection slows down when it's full of spyware, even those sites that are not malicious. Use up your resources as they collect information, so go to or other websites where you can find and download a great spyware remover like adware, download it, install it and run it, to get rid of those new piece scripts. Performing these simple steps once a month or so will help you keep your system running at a much faster speed or at least give it a boost.

Visit us if you want to Tuned up your Computer

Having Problem with computer Virus

Having problem with your computer system? Well your computer might be infected by a computer virus programs. Viruses are programmed to do various annoying acts like displaying popup messages on every window, destroying files and data, making the system run real slow and many more. The most terrifying thing is all such hazards can just start happening with a click on an innocent looking file attachment with your mail even from a reliable source. Well worry no more because is here to help you fix your problem. Our computer support services will provide you quality services that will sure make all your worries gone and we will do that by taking control of your computer by the use of our technology and we will do the necessary tasks with remote support.